giovedì 21 febbraio 2008

Ratatouille and the saffron of L’Aquila

(“REMY: “Ahhh. L’Aquila saffron. Italian, huh? Gusteau says it's excellent. Good thing the old lady's a food love-, from Disney-Pixar film Ratatouille-”).ratatouille5

Eccentric and somewhat strange, a rat in the kitchen, can you believe it? Normally this animal holds a very bad reputation in our human world. And even worst, if it is seen in a kitchen, particularly a restaurant kitchen.

But since anything is valid in an animated film, it is ok then that a rat called Remy, could be a food lover, food connoisseur, and a brilliant chef. The rat with the perfect palate!

There is a moment in the movie, when Remy, the lead character of Ratatouille, is searching for an ingredient to complete the dish he is about cook. That ingredient is saffron, pure and simple, without any allusions of where come from. However, what called my attention was when he says: “Ahh. L' Aquila saffron…”. Yes, pride is what I felt, when our land was exalted in such a way, by these three words, “saffron of L’ Aquila”.

At first I was not sure if it was part of the original dialogue of the movie, or just a mistaken translation to our language. So, I embarqued on a quest to find out. After a little research I stumbled accros the original movie script. To my surprise, what I originally heard was truth in the original script. No misunderstanding, no bad translation, real and simple the saffron of L' Aquila”; (“lo zafferano dell' Aquila”, in Italian). In that instant, I remembered a marvelous picture I had seen before on the internet, of the saffron’s flower. A marvelous image! I had no idea how beautiful this flower is, and even more how interesting the story behind growing saffron is. Later on as coincidence always strikes, I was chatting with a friend from Venezuela whom was asking me about the Abruzzi region, and I shared with her, of course, the beautiful flower of saffron.

Magical and pleasant, refined and golden, also called the king of spices, saffron (Crocus Sativus L.), was known for millennia for its medicinal benefits as well as for aromatic purposes. Nowadays, Saffron still represents a key ingredient of the Italian cuisine, and the cuisine of many other countries around the world.

History tells us that this spice, of oriental origin, was first spread in the northern territory of Africa from where it moved to Spain, later arriving to Italy. This latter task is attributed to a Dominican Monk member of the Court of the Inquisition, who belonged to the Santucci family from Navelli Village in the Province of L’Aquila. Santucci loved agriculture and was impressed by this particular plant. After much study, he concluded that he found the ideal conditions for its cultivation in the lands of the plain of Navelli.

Thus it was cultivated and L’Aquila, was barely founded in s. XIII, the region became famous for the quality of its saffron. Since then to our days, this marvelous spice continues being a magnificent representative of the settlers of the Abruzzi Region.

Nowadays the saffron of L' Aquila is produced by a few farmers and is marketed by few businesses. It is primarily located in the zone of the Plain of Navelli, where they continue to maintain the production standards of high quality followed by centuries. It is a unique product which is sought out by the refined palates of the world.

In 2005 the saffron of L’Aquila got branded the mark D.O.P. (Denomination of Origin Protected). The objective is to protect an exclusive and unique product for its history, its culture and its elaboration: the Saffron D.O.P. of L’Aquila.

Thanks to the saffron of L' Aquila, we enjoy a territory of marvelous towns, castles and other architectural monuments that were built for flourishing commerce and trade of this magnificent spice.

So as I finish my story, I want to thank our friend Remy and Disney-Pixar studios, for bringing this amazing fact to our awareness and for inspiring me to explore the route of old flavors directly from the town of Navelli, in the Province of L' Aquila, here in Abruzzo, Italy.

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Pictures are from the web: Antica Azienda Agricola Peltuinum and from:

4 commenti:

Cucinamente ha detto...

Ciao Flavia, grazie mille per il commento e l'incoraggiamento! è molto importante per me sentire che quello che faccio è apprezzato
Un abbraccio sincero

benjy ha detto...

hola que tal! permítame felicitarlo por su excelente blog, me encantaría tenerlo en mi blog de viajes y turismo. Estoy seguro que su blog sería de mucho interés para mis visitantes !.Si puede sírvase a contactarme

Un saludo.

Unknown ha detto...

Thank you very much for this information, having two small kids, we watch Ratatouille all the time, and I had to search on L'Aquila saffron, as a dish I'd like to make calls for saffron threads...thanks again!

by flavia's ha detto...

Bruce, I wanna thank you to read my blog... Saffron is a delicated spice, and we use it to prepare a lot of dishes, and desserts!
Enjoy life with your kids!